Dr Alan Stephen verified
BVSc and AH
Veterinary Surgery
Dr Alan Stephen's
Tele Clinic

Dr Alan Stephen verified
BVSc and AH
Veterinary Surgery
Dr Alan Stephen's Tele Clinic
Hello there, I’m Dr. Alan Stephen, a passionate veterinarian dedicated to provide a better healthcare to our furry friends. With three years of experience, I specialise in veterinary surgery. I’m committed to improve the well-being of my patient and ensuring the highest quality of care. Currently working as- Senior Resident (Surgery) at Veterinary College, Mannuthy. Former chief consultant at “Pawprints petcity”; an evening clinic at Mundur, Thrissur Former Emergency Veterinary Surgeon (night) at AHD, Kilimanoor, Trivandrum, Kerala My clinical interest highly focussed on companion animals and pet birds
my_location Valanakuzhiyil (H), Arasuparambu, Thottumukku, Nedumangadu P.O, Trivandrum

TANUVAS Vice Chancellors Award Winner’23

SAVAVET Best Young Clinician Award Winner’23