Dr Chander Mohan verified
BVSc and AH
Veterinary Surgery
Dr Chander Mohan 's
Tele Clinic

Dr Chander Mohan verified
BVSc and AH
Veterinary Surgery
Dr Chander Mohan 's Tele Clinic
My name is Dr Mohan serving my pet parents from last 2 years with my expertise and experience in veterinary medicine and surgeries specially canines. Having experience in surgical procedure like soft tissue surgery,orthopedics surgery,ABC surgery Ophthalmology surgery and minors. Completed more than 5000 surgeries with low mortality rate and good quality progress. Completed my graduation (B.V.Sc. & A.H) in 2022 from LUVAS Hisar Haryana.
my_location Sec 68 Badshahpur gurugram HHaryana

General medicinal treatments

Veterinary surgeries @small animals