
Dr Mahalakshmi Sekar verified

BVSc and AH

Veterinary Medicine

Dr Mahalakshmi Sekar's

Tele Clinic

Dr Mahalakshmi Sekar verified

BVSc and AH

Veterinary Medicine

Dr Mahalakshmi Sekar's Tele Clinic

This is Dr Mahalakshmi, registered Government Veterinary Clinician. As a dedicated and compassionate veterinarian with three years of experience, I provide personalized online consultations for pet owners seeking expert advice. My passion for animal welfare drives me to stay updated on the latest advancements in veterinary medicine.

my_location Puducherry


General health checkup


Management of corneal ulcer in a Shitzu dog

Dr Mahalakshmi Sekar's Tele Clinic

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