Dr Padmaja Reddy verified
BVSc and AH
Veterinary Medicine
Dr Padmaja Reddy's
Tele Clinic
Dr Padmaja Reddy verified
BVSc and AH
Veterinary Medicine
Dr Padmaja Reddy's Tele Clinic
licensed veterinarian from AP , passionate about treating animals by using effective treatment plans .good at treating dogs especially dermatological cases. and knows the bond between youand your pet ,values ones time and health hence ensures best treatment ,experienced in treating pets .myself enthusiastic in treating gastroenterology and dermatology and infectious diseases. Trained from WVS under animal birth control programme.Never believe that animals suffer less than humans. Pain is the same for them that it is for us. Even worse, because they cannot help themselves.
my_location Piler, Near Tirupathi, Andra Pradesh