
Dr ASHI R KRISHNA verified

MVSc, BVSc and AH, PHD

Veterinary Medicine


Tele Clinic

Dr ASHI R KRISHNA verified

MVSc, BVSc and AH, PHD

Veterinary Medicine

Dr ASHI's Tele Clinic

Myself Dr. Ashi R Krishna is currently working as Veterinary Surgeon in Animal Husbandry Department Kerala. Did Ph.D in Veterinary Clinical Medicine from Madras Veterinary College Chennai, Masters (MVSc.) in Veterinary Clinical Medicine from College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, and graduated (BVSc. And A.H.) from College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Pookode. Specialist - Canine and Feline Internal Medicine 7+ Years of Experience in canine and feline medicine

my_location KERALA

Dr ASHI's Tele Clinic

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